Friday, August 1, 2008

Doomsday (2008)

Doomsday (link to amazon)
Written and Directed by Neil Marshall
Viewed on 07-30-08

Just released on video this week, the Flannel Cape Movie Club reviews Doomsday. Unfortunately we had all seen this movie before, because it was basically just clips from 20 different movies we had already seen crammed into one movie. An elite group of sci-fi specialists (Aliens) work to prevent a disaster (Outbreak) from threatening the future of the human race (Terminator). In this post apocalyptic thriller (Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome) the hot female lead character (Tomb Raider, Underworld) is quested (Lord of the Rings) or is actually assigned a mission for the British government, complete with a headquarters full of sci-fi gadgets (James Bond) into the underbelly of a quarantined society, isolated to Scotland by walls and guns, that has reverted back to a more primal period in time (a Braveheart/Gladiator clan, and a 'smokers' clan from Waterworld ) to retrieve a possible virus antidote (I am legend). It was action packed, and the use of gore was not so much gratuitous as it was graphically realistic (Resident Evil) which we respected (we screened the "unrated" option). The music completely lacked original content resorting to typical drum beats and tympani and other cliche attempts at elevating emotion, and with ancient one-hit songs void of inspiration. The overall storyline was confusing and required quite a stretch of the imagination to be remotely plausible. The saving grace for this movie was the lead character Eden Sinclair played by Emma Cleasby. With a hotness factor of 10 Cleasby was perfectly typecast for this type of genre. Movie has a future cult following potential.

We gave this movie a B- and would suggest you spend no more than $5 when it turns up used or in the bargain bin display section at your local retail outlet, or a 99 cent rental.


Gord said...

Seems like Escape from New York and Escape from L.A. should be in the mix somewhere.

Sapphrina said...

Yes and "28 Days" and then "28 Days Later"??? I forget. With all these virus movies I think that I might have become infected....

Todd said...

Wow, this has to be the worst review I've ever read; not because I disagree with it (I agree with parts), but because of all the errors and erroneous comparisons in it.

First, Aliens didn't have an "elite scientific team" it had a standard military unit, a corporate exec, an android, and Ripley.

Second, every movie that has a disease in it is not a copy of outbreak.

Third, in Terminator the future wasn't "threatened" the future was already destroyed. Thus this movie is nothing like it at all.

Fourth, all movies based in the future have gadgets. This does not mean that they're anything at all like James Bond. I think this one may be the worst comparison of the lot. Just Pathetic really.

Anyway, while I agreed with the basic point of your review I think that you should perhaps know what the hell your comparison subjects entail before you start comparing things to them. Makes you look stupid otherwise.

Flannel Cape Movie Club said...

"...assigned a mission by the British government, complete with a headquarters full of gadgets..." how is this not a James Bond movie? thank you for the corrections. this blog is intended solely for enjoyment. if you can't enjoy blogs, try golf. the other comments are quite enjoyable. thank you, management.