Thursday, July 24, 2008

10,000 BC (2008)

10,000 BC (link to Amazon)
Directed By Roland Emmerich
Viewed on 07-01-08

Set in the prehistoric era, 10,000 BC follows the transitional life of a tribe of mammoth hunters who become captive by a band of more highly evolved humans who set out to enslave them. The film was shot in mostly dark tones and the use of CGI was impressive in spurts, but the overall flow of the movie was hard to accept. It was set in the decline of the ice-age which unfortunately kept the female characters covered head to toe in animal pelts. The half feathered giant killer birds and elephant sized saber-toothed tigers were also incredibly unrealistic. The fluorescent war face paint and perfectly manicured counting crows hair that everyone adorned (although very cool looking) took away from the millennia it was trying to portray. Very little gore, sex and bad language bored our testosterone side, with occasional subtitles that took away from what little visual experience there was. There was an old shaman lady that just wouldn't die who was also confusing, and they wussed out on the romantic tragedy ending. The jungle music and various CGI scenes were occasionally stimulating but overall this movie came up very short to it's potential.

Overall we gave this movie a C+ and would advise that you see this film as a cheap rental on an above average television.

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